Privacy policy

Last updated: August 2023

Arista Demand understands that your privacy is important to you and that you care about howyour personal data is used. We respect and value the privacy of everyone who visits this website (“Our Site”), and will only collect and use personal data in ways that are described here, and in a way that is consistent with our obligations and your rights under thelaw. Please note that all data thus captured will be used and held in accordance with the requirements of the Data Protection Act 2018.Please read this Privacy Policy carefully and ensure that you understand it. By landing on and using Our Site, you accept this Privacy Policy

About Arista Demand
Arista Demand was established in 2021 to provide businesses with a range of marketing servicesincluding data management, digital marketing, and creative services. The Arista Demand has a registered office at Burjuman Business Tower, Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

What information do we collect?

Our website

Cookies and Similar Tracking Tools

We use “cookies” or similar tools, which are typically small pieces of information that aredelivered by our web servers and stored by your Internet browser on your computer’s hard driveor other computer or device storage. The information we store and transmit through these tools may also be used to facilitate the functionality of our website, to learn about your preferences and your visits to our website, to provide a more relevant online experience, and for other website operation and marketing purposes. When we send you an email, we gather statisticsaround email openings and clicks using industry standard technologies including clear gifs (smallbits of data on web pages) to help us monitor, evaluate, and improve our e-mails. In addition,your web browser may have functionality to block or disable cookies; however, your blocking or disabling cookies may prevent your use of various services on our website.

Types of Cookies

The cookies we may use fall into these categories:

1. Strictly Necessary Cookies. These cookies are essential to enable you to access thewebsite and use its features. Without these cookies, we cannot provide some of thebasic functionalities of our website.

2. Performance Cookies. These cookies collect information about how visitors use our website. This information is primarily used to analyze website usage and improve theway our website works.

3. Functionality Cookies. These cookies allow the website to remember the choices users make as they use the site. The information they collect is anonymized and does not trackyour browsing activity on other websites once you’ve left the site. We share business interest information with third-party partner companies that assist us in data analysis.These partner companies receive web visit data along with results detected from cookies and tracking pixels. These partner companies help us deliver an important element of ourservice, which is the ability to detect “topical interest”. These partner companies have undertaken to use data regarding individuals under conditions of confidentiality and not to disclose individual data.

In order to operate our website and provide services to you, we may provide personally identifiable, aggregate, and other information associated with our website to third parties that provide services on our behalf, including services such as shipping, payment processing, database management, and Internet services. We endeavor to require our service providers confirm that their privacy practices are consistent with this Privacy Policy.

Personal data processed about you

As well as collecting information from your interaction with our website, Arista Demand maycollect information from interested parties when they respond to an email, advertisement, orother marketing material. From time to time, we may acquire data from third parties including marketing partners. And we also receive, and process data received from our customers.

Personal data is collected:
• When you use our products and services and interact with us through different channels.
• When you register on this website to download content, we need you to provide us personal data, such as: first name, last name, email address and the company you work for (mandatory) and telephone number which is optional.
• From first party client data or reputable third-party data sources which we use on behalf of our clients

Lawful basis and purpose of the processing of personal data

We process personal data for various purposes, and we only process the data that are necessaryto achieve the intended purpose.

As such, we process your personal data when necessary:
• In the context of the preparation, execution or termination of our sales contract with you;
• In order to comply with the legal or regulatory provisions to which we are subject; and/or
• In order to protect our legitimate interests (e.g. to continue to improve our products andservices, to follow-up on our performances via anonymized reporting and statistics and toprevent fraud and other legal violations), in which case we always strive to strike abalance between that interest and respecting your privacy, especially when you are aminor.
• To support the sales and marketing activities of our customers

If the processing of your personal data is not necessary for any of these reasons, we will always ask your permission to process your personal data. You can always choose not to give your consent, or to you withdraw your consent.

How Do We Use and Share Information?

We do not use this data to others in ways different to those outlined in this Privacy policy.

We will use the personal data that you provide to us, or the data that we observe about you in order to support our business and draw your attention to our products, promotional material and commercial opportunities that you have requested or that may be of interest to you. We may also conduct market research and surveys or contact you in order to fulfil our customer service or other obligations.

Arista Demand may be required to disclose personal information in response to lawful requestsby public authorities, including to meet national security or law enforcement requirements.

We may share your personal data with advertisers, affiliates, and other commercialcompanies with whom we have, or might have an association, unless you state otherwise.

We may use your personal data to provide services for our customers, either as a processor orcontroller.

Arista Demand and any third parties are contractually bound by all laws and regulations pertaining to data protection and online and offline communication in all countries where we operate.

Your Rights according to the General Data Protection Regulation

You have the right to access your personal data at any time and the right to correct any inaccurate or incomplete information. You also have the right to request erasure of your data inwriting in duly justified cases.

If you want to exercise the right to be forgotten to the full extent your personal data will be removed as soon as possible, except if it concerns information that needs to be kept in pursuance of the law or an agreement.

If you wish to know what information we have about you, we will respond to your request as soon as possible, and in any case within 30 calendar days after receipt of your request and after your identity is checked. Depending on the complexity of the requests and the number of requests, this period can be extended by a further two months if necessary. If the period isextended, we will inform you of this within one month of receiving the request.

Data Security

Technical and organizational measures

Appropriate technical and organizational measures are taken to protect your personal data againstunauthorized or unlawful processing and against accidental loss, destruction, or damage. Whenyou provide your personal data through our website, this information is transmitted across theinternet securely using high-grade encryption.

Arista Demand has established policies and procedures for securely managing information andprotecting Personal Data against unauthorized access and we continually assess our data privacy,information management and data security practices. We do this in the following ways:

1. Establishing policies and procedures for securely managing information.
2. Limiting employee access to personal information to those who really need to accesspersonal data.
3. Protecting against unauthorized access to customer data by using data encryption,authentication, and virus detection technology, as required
4. Requiring service providers with whom we do business to comply with relevant dataprivacy legal and regulatory requirements and signing, where applicable, a DataProcessing Agreement pursuant to article 28 from the GDPR
5. Monitoring our website through recognized online privacy and security organizations.
6. Requiring employee to comply with our privacy policy.
7. Assessing our data privacy, information management, and data security practicescontinually
8. Conducting regular patching and maintenance of all Arista Demand’s systems to ensure they are protected against current threats and intrusions.

Data Retention

If you have bought products or services from us, we will keep your personal data in connection with the purchase for 7 years after the last purchase. We need to retain this data for our own accounting purposes and for legal and tax purposes. In terms of personal data, we use formarketing for ourselves or our customers we will keep this data for as long as we are able tomarket to you. If you withdraw your consent or opt-out of marketing communications, we willkeep your contact details only to ensure that we do not contact you again for marketing purposes.

Where data is used by Arista Demand in the capacity of a processor on behalf of our clients, the data is returned to the client as soon as processing is complete.

Please note that exercising your right to delete the personal data processed for the purposes exposed in this Privacy Policy will have no effect on other processing that we perform for other purposes. If at any point you would like to opt-out of receiving communications from us or would like to change the channels (such as email or post) that we use to contact you, please contact

Transfers of Personal Data outside the UK and EEA

The information that you provide to us will be held in the United Kingdom

To the extent that personal data is processed outside the UK or European Union, or other countries regarded by the European Union as having adequate protection, we will ensure through contractual or other measures that such data enjoy an adequate level of protection there, comparable to that which they would enjoy in the UK or European Union

Changes to Data Privacy Practices

Arista Demand makes material changes to data privacy practices, this policy will be updated and posted on our website to keep you informed of how we collect, use, manage, disclose, and protect information. The policy effective date will be updated accordingly.


If you have any questions concerning this policy, please contact