This privacy statement complements Arista Demand’ privacy statement and has been effective since April 2022. In order to reflect changes to applicable privacy laws and how we manage your personal information, we will routinely review and update this policy. Any modifications to this policy will be communicated to you by updating the effective date and posting new revisions on our website. This privacy statement only applies to residents of the State of California ("you," "consumer," or "us") whose personal data Arista Demand ("we," "us," or "our") collects and uses in accordance with the California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018 through our websites and other means described here (CCPA). Please visit Arista Demand Privacy Policy if you don't live in the State of California. This policy explains how we handle, safeguard, and manage customer information. Additionally, this policy addresses the CCPA rights of customers regarding Arista Demand' handling of their personal data.

Personal data collected from workers, job applicants, consultants, contractors, or those working in positions similar to those of employees who live in the State of California is not covered by this policy.

Since such terms are controlled by the appropriate service agreements with our customers, this policy does not apply to information that we obtain or maintain in our capacity as a service provider on behalf of our customers.

Which types of personal data do we collect and process?

When you subscribe to our website or give our agents consent to gather and process your personal data, we collect your personal information. If the information we collect is not listed in this policy, we will provide appropriate notice to consumers about the relevant data we will collect and how we will process it.

Personal information is defined in this policy as data that can be used to recognize, find, or get in touch with a consumer.

The types of personal data we gather and use for the purposes of carrying out the processing actions described in this policy are: Identifiers, such as your first and last names, email address, phone number, usernames on websites and social media platforms, or other similar identifiers.Your work title, position description, employer, and location; and any professional or employment-related information (i.e., office address)Internet or other similar network activity, such as information on your LinkedIn profile. 
On our website, we do not use cookies or similar optimization technologies to measure website traffic and usage activity or collect information such as the date and time of visits, geographic location, pages viewed, IP address, links to/from any page, browser type and version, operating system, referral source, and time spent on our website.

Emails, surveys, and other communication methods may also be used to collect extra personal information with your permission.

If you provide us with personal information about another person, you are responsible for informing that person of the information in this policy and obtaining their consent to share the information with us.

How do we acquire your personal data?

The aforementioned categories of personal data are immediately obtained from you through your interactions with our website. Additionally, public sources like social networking websites may be used to gather your confidential data. Unless laws or Arista Demand policies mandate that we gather certain information from you, your choice to give us your personal information is entirely voluntary. Please be aware that we may be unable to provide some or all of our services if the use of your personal information is requested and you do not provide us with the necessary personal information. How do we protect your personal information?

Arista Demand provides lead generation, ABM execution campaigns, BANT leads, and data services to companies that market and sell to other businesses. Every prospect who has granted us permission to send them marketing materials from us and our customers, as well as website visitors, is protected by our commitment to privacy and security.

In accordance with applicable laws and privacy policies, we safeguard your personal information by maintaining adequate technical, security, and administrative controls on our systems that store, transmit, and process it. This helps to reduce the risk of unauthorized access, disclosure, wrongful processing, accidental or wrongful loss, destruction, alteration, or damage. In order to secure your personal information as well as that of our business, we adhere to protocols, policies, procedures, and guidelines that are compliant with top industry standards.

Even though we take reasonable precautions to protect the confidentiality of your personal information, you should be aware that there is always some risk involved when disclosing personal information online. Please contact us right away using the information in the section titled "How to reach us for privacy concerns" if you have any reason to think that your interactions with our website are no longer safe.

What private data about individuals do we gather?

We don't gather confidential personal data, as described below, through our website or any other means. In the unlikely event that we decide to try and gather this information, we will do so with your permission and in accordance with any relevant privacy laws.

Sensitive personal data refers to several categories of personal information that, in accordance with data privacy laws, require special handling, including, in some cases, getting your prior consent before collection. These categories comprise details about a person's race or ethnicity, political allegiances, religious, philosophical, and other similar beliefs, as well as their participation in trade unions, health information, biometric data, sexual orientation, and criminal convictions and offenses.

For which purposes do we use your personal information?

We restrict access to your confidential information to those of our employees and contractors who need it for work-related purposes only. Only when necessary will we use your personal details to accomplish one of the following tasks: Adhering to the rules and regulations that apply to us.Addressing your questions, completing your requests, offering customer support, giving you administrative information, and customizing your use of our services.Improving the information and functionality of our website.Marketing and promoting our products and services to you so that we can run, develop, and grow our business. When the data is gathered, for instance, we might use it to get in touch with you in the way(s) you specify. Your email address may be used to contact you about services or information in which you have indicated interest, as well as to send you content and newsletters.Operating and managing our business operations and provisioning our services to youManaging our business obligations to you.Communicating with you to ensure proper communication and emergency handling with our company. Getting in touch with you in the future to let you know about services, opportunities, and other general information that we think you'll find interesting about us.Conducting general market research in order to acquire market insights.Social listening, which helps us protect our image by finding out what is being said about us on social media.Using data analytics to make sure that our company operations are running smoothly.
Insofar as required by applicable laws, we will only process your personal information for the aforementioned objectives with your consent. We won't use your personal information for any other objectives unless it is required or permitted by law, as stated in this privacy statement.

The types of personal information we gather and the particular context in which we collect it will determine the legal basis for our collection and use of that information. However, we will generally collect personal information from you only: When processing is done in accordance with our reasonable interests and is not prohibited by your rights.When we require the information to carry out a deal with you.When you have given us permission to do so.

Will we divulge your confidential data to outside parties?

When you ask us to or give us permission to do so, or in connection with the goals outlined in this policy, we may disclose your personal information with third parties. Whenever applicable, we will get confidentiality agreements from anyone or anything to whom we disclose your personal information.

Additionally, in accordance with applicable laws and our internal policies, we will take the necessary steps to ensure that any recipient of your personal information has the necessary security safeguards to protect it and a legitimate purpose for processing and using it. Your sensitive data might also be transferred to any of our locations. As needed to complete a corporate transaction, such as the sale of a website, mergers, consolidations, initial public offerings, or in the unlikely case of bankruptcy, we may also disclose your confidential information to third parties.

In general, we may share your personal information in connection with the purposes described in this policy with the following categories of third parties: Service providers who help us with specific services you receive from us, like customer care, email delivery, data processing and management, survey administration, and other fulfillment. Business associates, customers, advertisers, affiliates, and other third parties to customize and send advertisements and content to you about their services or to assist you in obtaining the best marketing materials.When responding to subpoenas, court orders, legal processes, and other legal issues; law enforcement, regulators, courts, and other governmental agencies. To safeguard the legal rights, personal property, personal safety, and general public interest, we might also disclose your confidential information to this type of third party.The sale of assets or the transfer of business in conjunction with a merger, takeover, transfer of control, bankruptcy, or reorganization.
For a particular business objective, we may divulge the following types of personal data to the aforementioned third parties: IdentifiersPosition and information pertaining to your career or jobInternet or other comparable network activity
We may sell the following types of personal information to our business partners, subsidiaries, advertisers, clients, and other third parties, or as part of a company or asset transfer: IdentifiersPosition and information pertaining to your career or jobInternet or other comparable network activity

Where will your personal data be processed?

Our main business operations are based in Dubai, UAE. As permitted by the relevant privacy legislation and our internal policies, your personal information may be transferred to or accessed from outside of the country as part of Arista Demand’ global business.

What sources do we use to obtain your personal data?

If we don't get your personal information from you directly, we might get it from the public or via websites for professionals, like LinkedIn.

How long will we keep your confidential data on file?

We only retain your confidential information for as long as this is required to achieve a particular business or legal purpose. We adhere to records management and information retention procedures to make sure that after a predetermined period, your confidential information is deleted, anonymized, or isolated, depending on what is appropriate: We will retain your personal information throughout the course of our business relationship. We will keep your personal information for as long as necessary to provide you with services. We will retain your personal information for the time necessary to comply with applicable laws, contractual obligations, and internal policies
What options do you have when it comes to how your personal information is processed?

Consumers in California have some rights under the CCPA regarding the gathering, storing, and processing of their personal information. This section explains your CCPA rights and how to exercise them. Inform you of the specific data we gather about you and your rights to data portability.

The CCPA allows you the right to ask us to provide you with a list of the precise personal information we have about you that we have collected and processed over the last twelve (12) months. We will provide you with the following information after receiving and verifying your genuine consumer request: The kind of personal data we have about youThe kind of sources we used to gather your personal informationOur company's purpose for collecting or otherwise sharing your personal data is commercial. The kind of other parties with whom we have shared the private data we have gathered about you The particular pieces of personal data we have about you (also referred to as a Data Portability Request)
If we sold your personal information for a particular business or commercial purpose. We will notify you:

-The types of personal data that each type of third party purchased

If we shared your personal information for a particular business, legal, or commercial purpose, we will disclose:

-The categories of personal information that each kind of third party obtained

For Business-to-Business (B2B) personal information that we have gathered for a particular business or commercial purpose, we do not grant the aforementioned access rights.

Under certain circumstances, we are not required to search for personal information. In such event, in answer to your request, we will describe the categories of data that might contain personal information but which we did not look for because they fall under those circumstances.

Request us to delete the personal information we collected about you

Subject to few limitations, the CCPA gives you the right to ask us to remove any personal information we have about you and kept. Unless an exception applies, we will remove your personal information from our records and instruct our service providers to do the same after receiving and verifying your verifiable consumer request. Based on our legal rights and obligations, we may deny your deletion request or partially fulfill to: Execute a contract with you, complete the transaction for which we received your personal information, or perform the services you requested from us.Identify cybersecurity events and data breaches, stop malicious, fraudulent, or unlawful activity, and bring criminal charges against those involved.Utilize our right to free expression while ensuring that other customers have the same freedom to do so or any other legal right.Adhere the California Electronic Communications Privacy Act (Cal. Criminal Code 1546 et seq.). Use your personal data in a way that is compatible with the reason you gave it to us and based on our connection with you.Adhere with laws and regulations
Regarding Business-to-Business (B2B) personal information that we gather in order to serve a specific business or commercial purpose, we do not grant the data deletion rights described above. Use your rights to data access, portability, and deletion.

If you desire to exercise the data access, portability, and deletion rights outlined above and granted to you under the CCPA, please send a verifiable consumer request via email to or by mail to: Burjuman Business Tower, Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

A genuine consumer request for your personal information may only be made by you or a person who is legally permitted to act on your behalf. You may also submit a verifiable consumer request on behalf of a minor. Please see the section headed "Authorized Agent" for further details.

Within a twelve-month period, you are permitted to submit two verifiable consumer requests for data access or portability.

A verifiable consumer request must contain enough details to enable us to conclude that you are the person about whom we obtained personal information, or that the person making the request is authorized to act on your behalf. Depending on how sensitive the requested personal information is, different measures will be taken for verification. In order for us to comprehend, assess, appropriately reply to, and, if applicable, fulfill your request, the verifiable consumer request must also include a thorough description of your desire.

If we cannot confirm your identity or that you have the right to make the request and that the personal information is about you, we will not be able to respond to your request or give you any personal information.

To submit a verified consumer inquiry on our website, you are not required to register. We shall only verify the requestor's identity or right to make the request using the personal information provided in a verifiable consumer request. Please refer to the section of this Notice titled "Do not sell my personal information" to exercise your right to opt-out to the sale of your personal information.

Our response timing and format

Within forty-five (45) days of receiving a verifiable customer request, we shall do everything in our power to reply. We shall give you written notice of the rationale and the extended period if we decide that processing the request will take longer than anticipated.

We will respond to your verified consumer request in writing, either electronically or via postal mail, as you prefer.

Just the twelve (12) months prior to the receipt of your verifiable consumer request will be covered by any disclosures made to you. If we are unable to fulfill your request, we will explain why in our reply. In order to allow you to freely transmit the information to another entity, we shall comply with requests for data portability using formats that are simple to use.

We shall process and react to your verifiable consumer requests without charging you unless they are excessive, repetitive, or baseless. Before granting your request, we will inform you of the fee and explain our reasoning if we decide that it is justified.

Authorized Agent

Please send an authorization letter signed by the consumer to  if you are making a verifiable consumer request under the CCPA on their behalf.

Do not sell my personal information

California citizens who are sixteen (16) years old or older may ask us not to sell their personal information. When we have knowledge that a California customer is under sixteen (16), we do not sell their personal information.

You can exercise your opt-out rights by submitting a request to . You are not required to create an account with us in order to exercise your right to object to the selling of your personal information. The details in your opt-out request will be used to carry out your request.


We promise not to treat you unfairly if you exercise any of your CCPA rights, such as: Deny you servicesBill you at various rates or charges for our servicesApplying sanctionsProvide a different quality of serviceSuggest that you may obtain a different price or quality for our services
We may, however, provide you with special financial incentives that are CCPA-authorized and reasonably related to the value of your personal information. These incentives may lead to different costs, rates, or levels of service. Any CCPA-allowed financial incentives will be specified in the written conditions describing the essential features of the program and will be subject to your opt-in consent before being provided.

California's "Shine the Light" law

Residents of California have the right to inquire about and get specific details regarding any personal information we release to third parties for direct marketing purposes under the "Shine the Light" statute, Civil Code Section 1798.83. To make such a request, please send a written request to the contact details outlined in the section of this document titled "Exercise your data access, portability, and deletion rights".

Changes to our Privacy Policy

In order to reflect changes to relevant privacy laws and how we handle your personal information, we will routinely review and update this policy. Any modifications to this policy will be communicated to you by updating the effective date and publishing new revisions on our website. Following changes to our Privacy Policy, your ongoing use of our website and services constitutes your acceptance of those changes.

How to contact us if you have privacy issues

You can reach our Data Operations team by email at or by postal mail at the following address if you have any questions or concerns about our privacy policies regarding your personal information: Burjuman Business Tower, Dubai, United Arab Emirates.